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Saúde Soc ; 33(1): e230138pt, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536854


Resumo O Brasil tem apresentado elevado percentual de homicídio e mortes por intervenção legal. Este artigo faz parte de um estudo qualitativo de casos múltiplos sobre vítimas indiretas que perderam parentes por homicídio devido à ação de agentes de segurança e de policiais no Rio de Janeiro. Os dados provêm de quatro entrevistas individuais com familiares de pessoas mortas por policiais e três familiares de policiais vítimas de homicídio, que foram submetidos à análise temática. Os depoimentos revelaram os impactos da perda do familiar na saúde das vítimas indiretas, como o intenso sofrimento mental e a repercussão negativa em ocupações humanas, como trabalho, lazer, sono e cuidado em saúde. Ante a experiência traumática, o apoio das instituições é limitado, ao passo que grupos ativistas e entidades ligadas aos direitos humanos são relatados, pelos entrevistados, como de grande ajuda na elaboração da dor da perda, sobretudo no grupo dos que perderam seus entes pela ação policial. O estudo indica a necessidade de pesquisas sobre as lacunas entre os equipamentos e políticas públicas e as necessidades das vítimas indiretas.

Abstract Brazil has recorded a high percentage of homicides and deaths due to legal intervention. This article is part of a qualitative multiple case study about indirect victims who lost relatives to homicide perpetraded by security agents and police officers in Rio de Janeiro. Data were collected in four individual interviews with family members of people killed by police officers and three family members of police officers who were victims of homicide, and then subjected to thematic analysis. The testimonies revealed the major impacts of the loss of a family member on the indirect victim's health, such as intense mental suffering and the negative impacts on human occupations such as work, leisure, health care, and sleep. Institutional support is limited in the face of the traumatic experience, whereas activist groups and entities tied to human rights advocacy are of great help in overcoming the pain of loss, especially for those who have lost their family members to the police. Further research is needed about the gaps between public facilities and policies and the needs of indirect victims.

Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 37: eAPE01521, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1519813


Resumo Objetivo Analisar a função dos apoios sociais formal e informal na prática de atividade física durante o tempo livre de trabalhadores. Métodos Estudo transversal realizado com 395 trabalhadores técnicos administrativos em uma universidade pública. Os dados foram coletados utilizando: questionário sociodemográfico, Questionário de Atividade Física Habitual de Baecke e Escala de Apoio Social para a prática de Atividade Física. Os dados foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva, teste t de Student, teste d de Cohen e Análise de Variância. Resultados Os participantes que referiram algum tipo de apoio para atividade física no tempo livre (92,2%) apresentaram maiores médias no escore de atividade física. O apoio institucional (58,0%) teve função de destaque como potencial influenciador em comparação ao apoio de chefias imediatas (14,2%), embora elas tenham exercido um certo diferencial entre os trabalhadores da manutenção. Conclusão O apoio social tem função importante na promoção da atividade física no tempo livre de trabalhadores. As iniciativas institucionais de estímulo ao comportamento ativo no ambiente de trabalho carecem de alinhamento com o incentivo por parte dos superiores imediatos, para que sejam mais efetivas.

Resumen Objetivo Analizar la función del apoyo social formal e informal en la práctica de actividad física durante el tiempo libre de trabajadores. Métodos Estudio transversal realizado con 395 trabajadores técnicos administrativos de una universidad pública. Los datos se recopilaron utilizando un cuestionario sociodemográfico, el Cuestionario de Actividad Física Habitual de Baecke y la Escala de Apoyo Social para la Práctica de Actividad Física. Los datos se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva, test-T de Student, prueba d de Cohen y análisis de varianza. Resultados Los participantes que relataron algún tipo de apoyo para actividad física en el tiempo libre (92,2 %) presentaron mayores promedios en el puntaje de actividad física. El apoyo institucional (58,0 %) tuvo una función destacada como posible influenciador en comparación con el apoyo de jefes directos (14,2 %), aunque estos últimos hayan ejercido cierto diferencial entre los trabajadores de mantenimiento. Conclusión El apoyo social tiene una función importante en la promoción de la actividad física en el tiempo libre de trabajadores. Las iniciativas institucionales de estímulo a un comportamiento activo en el ambiente de trabajo necesitan estar alineadas con el incentivo por parte de los superiores inmediatos para que sean más efectivas.

Abstract Objective To analyze the role of formal and informal social support in the practice of physical activity during workers' leisure time. Methods A cross-sectional study carried out with 395 technical administrative workers at a public university. Data were collected using sociodemographic questionnaire, Baecke Habitual Physical Activity Questionnaire and Physical Activity and Social Support Scale. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Student's t test, Cohen's d test and Analysis of Variance. Results Participants who reported some type of support for physical activity in their leisure time (92.2%) had higher means in the physical activity score. Institutional support (58.0%) had a prominent role as a potential influencer compared to support from immediate superiors (14.2%), although they had a certain differential among maintenance workers. Conclusion Social support plays an important role in promoting physical activity in workers' leisure time. Institutional initiatives to encourage active behavior in the work environment need to be aligned with encouragement by immediate superiors so that they are more effective.

Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 70(2): e20230494, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529378


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between caregiver burden, family adaptation, partnership, growth, affection, and resolve score, anxiety levels, and the perceived social support of the relatives of patients who had open heart surgery. METHODS: Volunteers among the relatives of patients who had open heart surgery in our cardiovascular surgery clinic and were followed up in the first 3 months were included in the study. The cardiovascular surgeons recorded the sociodemographic data of the relatives of the patients and directed them to a psychiatry clinic for further evaluation. The caregiver burden scale, family adaptation, partnership, growth, affection, and resolve scale, anxiety level scale, and perceived social support scale were applied to the relatives of the patients who participated in the study. RESULTS: Within the scope of the study, a total of 51 individuals, 29.4% (n=15) men and 70.6% (n=36) women, were included in the evaluation. The participants' ages ranged from 32 to 68 years, with an average age of 48 years. There was a statistically significant relationship between the caregiving burden scale score and the scale scores other than age (p<0.05). There was a statistically significant difference in terms of caregiving burden scale score, working status, physical and psychological problems, changes in home life, and changes in family relationships (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: The fact that the need for security and intimacy is related to anxiety and depression can be interpreted as the caregiving problems of the relatives of the patients who think that their patients are safe and feel closer to the intensive care personnel will decrease. Their depression and anxiety levels will also decrease.

Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551119


Introdução: o nascimento de um bebê prematuro, por vezes, necessita de internação em unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal, o que resulta na mudança de toda dinâmica familiar. Isso ocorre devido ao longo período de hospitalização para o bebê e consequente permanência dos pais no ambiente hospitalar. Objetivo: conhecer os desafios da prematuridade e o papel do apoio social na percepção das mães durante o internamento do seu filho em uma unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal. Metodologia: estudo de abordagem qualitativa, cujos dados foram coletados mediante entrevistas, com sete mães, entre março e agosto de 2018. Os dados foram submetidos a análise de conteúdo proposta por Bardin. Resultados: verificou-se que entre os desafios mais comuns enfrentados pelas mães durante o período de internação estão relacionados ao medo da perda do filho hospitalizado, o apoio da equipe de enfermagem e da família as principais estratégias para enfrentar este momento. Conclusão: o reconhecimento dos desafios enfrentados e o apoio social por familiares e pela equipe de enfermagem são fundamentais a fim de minimizar as dificuldades enfrentadas pelas famílias dos recém-nascidos durante o processo de hospitalização.

Introduction: the birth of a premature baby sometimes requires hospitalization in a neonatal intensive care unit, which results in a change in all family dynamics. This occurs due to the long period of hospitalization for the baby and the consequent permanence of the parents in the hospital environment. Objective: to know the challenges of prematurity and the role of social support in the perception of mothers during their child's hospitalization in a neonatal intensive care unit. Methodology: study with a qualitative approach, whose data were collected through interviews with seven mothers, between March and August 2018. The data were submitted to content analysis proposed by Bardin. Results: it was found that among the most common challenges faced by mothers during the period of hospitalization are related to the fear of losing the hospitalized child, the support of the nursing team and the family are the main strategies to face this moment. Conclusion: recognition of the challenges faced and social support by family members and the nursing team are essential in order to minimize the difficulties faced by families of newborns during the hospitalization process.

Introducción: el nacimiento de un bebé prematuro en ocasiones requiere hospitalización en una unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatales, lo que resulta en cambios en toda la dinámica familiar. Esto ocurre debido al largo período de hospitalización del bebé y la consecuente estancia de los padres en el ambiente hospitalario. Objetivo: comprender los desafíos de la prematuridad y el papel del apoyo social en la percepción de las madres durante la hospitalización de su hijo en una unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatales. Metodología: estudio cualitativo, cuyos datos fueron recolectados a través de entrevistas a siete madres, entre marzo y agosto de 2018. Los datos fueron sometidos al análisis de contenido propuesto por Bardin. Resultados: se encontró que entre los desafíos más comunes que enfrentan las madres durante el período de hospitalización están relacionados con el miedo a perder a su hijo hospitalizado, siendo el apoyo del equipo de enfermería y de la familia las principales estrategias para afrontar este momento. Conclusión: el reconocimiento de los desafíos enfrentados y el apoyo social por parte de los familiares y del equipo de enfermería son fundamentales para minimizar las dificultades que enfrentan las familias de los recién nacidos durante el proceso de hospitalización.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535418


Introducción: El aumento en la esperanza de vida se ha convertido en una realidad, en una problemática y en un reto para los países en desarrollo como Colombia, marcado por determinantes sociales dentro de los cuales la población adulta mayor se ve ampliamente afectada. Objetivo: Describir la percepción del adulto mayor y su familia acerca de las redes sociales de apoyo formales e informales, que contribuyen en la reducción de la pobreza. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio cualitativo con enfoque fenomenológico. Participaron 22 adultos mayores, 3 hombres y 19 mujeres entre los 60 y 89 años, dos cuidadores y un empleado administrativo de la institución en Neiva (Huila). Resultados: Los hallazgos se enmarcaron bajo tres cuatro categorías instauradas previa revisión teórica: precepción de envejecimiento, estructura de las redes sociales de apoyo, dinámica familiar y percepción de redes sociales de apoyo; además, se obtuvieron durante el estudio emergieron tres categorías emergentes: la pobreza más allá del concepto económico, entre lo espiritual y emocional como red de apoyo y la resignificación del trabajo en el adulto mayor como una opción. Conclusiones: Los adultos mayores perciben las redes sociales de apoyo formales e informales como necesarias para su bienestar físico, espiritual y emocional, además, identifican la resignificación del trabajo como una opción de vida desde sus capacidades instrumentales, junto con la espiritualidad, la cual se fortalece a lo largo de sus vidas y al interior de sus familias.

Introduction: The increase in life expectancy has become a reality, a problem, and a challenge for developing countries such as Colombia, marked by social determinants in which the elderly population is largely affected. Objective: Describe the perception of older adults and their families regarding formal and informal social support networks that contribute to poverty reduction. Materials and methods: A qualitative study using a phenomenological approach was conducted. Twenty-two older adults, three men and 19 women, between 60 and 89 years old; two caregivers, and an administrative employee at the institution in Neiva (Huila) participated. Results: The findings were framed under four categories established after a theoretical review: perception of aging, structure of social support networks, family dynamics, and perception of social support networks. Three categories emerged during the study: Poverty beyond the economic concept, between the spiritual and emotional as a support network, and the resignification of work in the elderly as an option. Conclusions: Older adults perceive formal and informal social support networks as something necessary for their physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being. In addition, they identify the resignification of work as a life option based on their instrumental capabilities, along with spirituality, which is strengthened throughout their lives and within their families.

Medisur ; 21(6)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550555


Fundamento: el apoyo de familiares y del equipo de salud a los padres cuidadores de sus hijos diabéticos es fundamental para el afrontamiento a los cambios que provoca esta enfermedad en la dinámica familiar. Objetivo: describir la percepción de los padres cuidadores sobre el apoyo familiar y de los Sistemas de Salud en el comienzo de sus hijos con diabetes mellitus tipo 1. Métodos: estudio cualitativo descriptivo realizado mediante entrevista semiestructurada a cuatro padres cuidadores de niños con diagnóstico de diabetes tipo 1. El consentimiento informado fue realizado vía Google Forms y la entrevista fue vía plataforma ZOOM. Las entrevistas tuvieron una duración de 30 minutos. El análisis de las entrevistas se realizó utilizando el programa ATLAS.ti versión 22. Resultados: el comienzo de la enfermedad de los niños fue recibido por los padres con mucha confusión y falta de conocimiento. En cuanto a las redes de apoyo, los padres declararon la soledad como vivencia en el cuidado de los niños y, en relación a los equipos de salud, relataron que está enfocada en los cuidados básicos que tenían que cumplir, como la alimentación y el control glucémico, con ausencia de preocupación por el apoyo emocional. Conclusiones: las necesidades de apoyo desde los equipos de salud, a los padres cuidadores, más allá del control de la enfermedad, es una necesidad explícita desde la evidencia, que aún no ha sido considerada por los Sistemas de Salud. El apoyo debe trascender la familia, con una actuación importante de los profesionales de la salud y todo el contexto en que están insertos los niños, para contribuir a un manejo adecuado de la enfermedad.

Foundation: the support of family members and the health team for parents caring for their diabetic children is essential for facing with the changes that this disease causes in family dynamics. Objective: to describe the perception of parent caregivers about family support and Health Systems at the beginning of their children with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Methods: qualitative descriptive study carried out through semi-structured interviews with four parent caregivers of children with a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes. Informed consent was carried out via Google forms and the interview was via the ZOOM platform. The interviews lasted 30 minutes. The analysis of the interviews was carried out using the ATLAS.ti version 22 program. Results: the beginning of the children's illness was received by parents with much confusion and lack of knowledge. Regarding the support networks, the parents declared loneliness in the experience of caring for the children and, in relation to the health teams, they reported that it is focused on the basic care that they had to fulfill, such as food and hygiene, glycemic control, with absence of concern for emotional support. Conclusions: the support needs from health teams to parent caregivers, beyond disease control, is an explicit need from the evidence, which has not yet been considered by Health Systems. Support must go beyond the family, with important action by health professionals and the entire context in which children are inserted, to contribute to adequate management of the disease.

Medisur ; 21(6)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550558


Fundamento la COVID-19 tuvo repercusión en el estado biopsicosocial de la población. Entre las actitudes y comportamientos, la discriminación se manifestó como una de las respuestas a diferentes niveles de interrelación personal y social. Objetivo describir la discriminación percibida por pacientes en seguimiento por COVID-19. Métodos estudio descriptivo y transversal, realizado en el periodo septiembre de 2021 a febrero de 2022, con todos los pacientes con seguimiento por COVID-19 (N=89) residentes en el barrio de Tajamar Regalado (Tulcán, Ecuador). Mediante la encuesta se obtuvo información sobre las variables: tipo de institución donde recibió seguimiento médico, percepción de discriminación, apoyo social y apoyo comunitario. Resultados el 60,67 % de los pacientes refirió que casi siempre lamentaba haberse contagiado de COVID-19; el 59,55 %, que siempre sintió ser discriminado por haber padecido la enfermedad; el 40,45 %, que casi siempre consideró importante utilizar medidas de protección para evitar más contagios en su comunidad; el 48,31 % planteó que casi siempre recibió consejería por el personal de salud; y el 59,55 % consideró que su salud mental se vio afectada. Casi la mitad de los pacientes expresó haber recibido un apoyo social muy malo, y el 51,68 % un apoyo social malo parte de las autoridades en particular. Conclusiones durante la pandemia de COVID-19 existió un rechazo social a los pacientes contagiados, el cual provocó afectaciones en la salud mental de estos. Se evidenció una falta de apoyo por parte de la comunidad y las autoridades; y una escasa consejería por el personal de salud.

Foundation COVID-19 had an impact on the population' biopsychosocial state. Among attitudes and behaviors, discrimination manifested itself as one of the responses to different levels of personal and social interrelation. Objective to describe the discrimination perceived by patients being monitored for COVID-19. Methods descriptive and cross-sectional study, carried out from September 2021 to February 2022, in all patients monitored for COVID-19 (N=89) who live in Tajamar Regalado neighborhood (Tulcán, Ecuador). Through the survey, information was obtained on the variables: type of institution where they received medical follow-up, perception of discrimination, social support and community support. Results 60.67% of patients reported that they almost always regretted having been infected with COVID-19; 59.55%, who always felt they were discriminated against for having suffered from the disease; 40.45%, who almost always considered it important to use protective measures to avoid further infections in their community; 48.31% stated that they almost always received counseling from health personnel; and 59.55% considered that their mental health was affected. Almost half of the patients expressed having received very bad social support, and 51.68% received bad social support from the authorities in particular. Conclusions during the COVID-19 pandemic, there was social rejection of infected patients, which caused effects on their mental health. A lack of support from the community and authorities was evident; and little counseling by health personnel.

Psico USF ; 28(4): 799-810, Oct.-Dec. 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529172


O suporte do supervisor à família conceitua-se como comportamentos dos supervisores voltados a apoiar os papéis familiares dos funcionários. O presente estudo objetivou obter evidências de validade da Medida de Comportamento Suporte do Supervisor à Família, nas versões abrangente e reduzida, em amostras brasileiras. Participaram desta pesquisa 503 trabalhadores, de ambos os sexos. As análises fatoriais confirmatórias evidenciaram que a versão abrangente ficou composta por 14 itens, divididos em quatro fatores de primeira ordem (emocional, instrumental, modelo de papéis e gestão criativa) e um fator de segunda ordem. A versão reduzida unifatorial compôs-se por quatro itens. Ambas as versões apresentaram bons índices de consistência interna. Os instrumentos correlacionaram-se positivamente com o enriquecimento trabalho-família, suporte do supervisor e satisfação no trabalho, e negativamente com o conflito trabalho-família e intenção de rotatividade. Concluiu-se que os instrumentos apresentaram propriedades psicométricas que recomendam seu uso em investigações futuras.(AU)

The concept of a family-supportive supervisor refers to supervisors' behaviors aimed at supporting employees' family roles. This study aimed to obtain evidence of validity of the Measure of Family Supportive Supervisor Behaviors, both in its comprehensive and abbreviated versions, using Brazilian samples. A total of 503 workers of both sexes participated in this research. Confirmatory factor analyses showed that the comprehensive version consisted of 14 items, grouped into four first-order factors (emotional, instrumental, role model and creative management), all contributing to a second-order factor. The unifactorial reduced version consisted of four items. Both versions showed good internal consistency indices. The instruments exhibited positive correlations with work-family enrichment, supervisor support, and job satisfaction while demonstrating negative correlations with work-family conflict and turnover intention. It was concluded that the instruments presented psychometric properties that recommend their use in future research.(AU)

El apoyo del supervisor a la familia se define a las acciones de los supervisores dirigidos para respaldar los roles familiares de los empleados. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo obtener evidencias de validez de la Medida del Comportamiento de Apoyo del Supervisor a la Familia, en las versiones extensa y breve, en muestras brasileñas. En esta investigación participaron 503 trabajadores de ambos sexos. Los análisis factoriales confirmatorios revelaron que la versión extensa quedó compuesta por 14 ítems, divididos en cuatro factores de primer orden (emocional, instrumental, modelo a seguir y gestión creativa) y un factor de segundo orden. La versión breve unifactorial constaba de cuatro ítems. Ambas versiones mostraron buenos índices de consistencia interna. Los instrumentos se correlacionaron positivamente con el enriquecimiento trabajo-familia, el apoyo del supervisor y la satisfacción laboral, y negativamente con el conflicto trabajo-familia y la intención de rotación. Se concluye que los instrumentos presentan propiedades psicométricas que respaldan su uso en futuras investigaciones.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Personnel Management , Social Support , Family/psychology , Work-Life Balance , Psychometrics , Surveys and Questionnaires , Reproducibility of Results , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Conflict, Psychological , Self Report , Sociodemographic Factors
Interaçao psicol ; 27(1): 89-99, jan.-abr. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512749


Embora interações com amigos e parceiros amorosos ganhem importância na adolescência, ainda há controvérsias acerca da profundidade e da qualidade da vinculação amorosa. Buscou-se avaliar a percepção de setenta adolescentes gaúchos (12 a 18 anos), de escolas públicas e privadas de Porto Alegre e Canoas/RS, acerca do amor e do suporte do(a) parceiro(a) amoroso(a), e verificar suas associações com características sociodemográficas. Aplicou-se individualmente, em sala de aula, um questionário de dados sociodemográficos, o Inventário de Qualidade dos Relacionamentos Interpessoais e a Escala Triangular do Amor ­ Versão Reduzida. Os dados obtidos foram digitados em planilha no SPSS e analisados por meio de estatística descritiva e correlacional (Correlação de Spearman e comparação entre grupos via teste de Mann-Whitney, considerando as variáveis gênero, faixa etária, renda familiar, religião, escolaridade e presença ou não de relação sexual). Os adolescentes perceberam seus relacionamentos como importantes, considerando-os boa fonte de suporte, apresentando altos índices de intimidade, paixão e comprometimento e baixo nível de conflito. Encontrou-se associação positiva entre comprometimento e profundidade e intimidade e suporte, assim como entre maior idade e maior comprometimento. Ter relacionamento sexual associou-se a maior percepção de conflito e paixão. Os relacionamentos amorosos mostraram ser fonte de suporte para o desenvolvimento saudável desses adolescentes.

Although interactions with friends and romantic relationships become important during adolescence, there is still controversy about the depth and quality of adolescents' attachment to their romantic partners. The present study aimed to evaluate the adolescents' perception of love and their romantic partner's support, as well as to verify its possible associations with sociodemographic characteristics. Seventy adolescents (12 to 18 years old) from South Brazil, enrolled in public and private schools of Porto Alegre and Canoas/RS, fulfilled individually, at school, a sociodemographic data questionnaire, the Quality of Relationships Inventory and the Triangular Love Scale ­ Reduced Version. The collected data were entered into a spreadsheet in SPSS. Descriptive and correlational statistics analysis were performed (Spearman correlation and comparison between groups via Mann-Whitney test, considering the variables gender, age group, family income, religion, education level, and the presence or absence of sexual intercourse). The adolescents perceived their romantic relationships as important, as a good source of support, showing high levels of intimacy, passion and commitment, and low levels of conflict. A positive association was found between commitment and depth, and intimacy and support, as well as higher age and more advanced levels of commitment. Having a sexual relationship was associated with a higher perception of conflict and passion. Romantic relationships proved to be a source of support for the healthy development of these adolescents.

Ter. psicol ; 41(2)ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530523


Antecedentes: La población sobre 60 años va en aumento y es relevante tener más conocimiento sobre los factores que inciden en su bienestar y salud mental. Objetivo: Este estudio busca comprender la relación entre bienestar, apoyo social y sintomatología depresiva en personas mayores de la provincia de Concepción. Método: 538 adultos mayores fueron seleccionados aleatoriamente de 15 Centros de Salud Primaria de la provincia de Concepción, Chile. Se midieron sus niveles de bienestar (con el Pemberton Happiness Index), de apoyo Social (con la Escala Multidimensional de Percepción de Apoyo Social de Zimet) y de sintomatología depresiva (mediante el Patient Health Questionnaire-9). Resultados: Los adultos mayores mostraron un puntaje elevado (M=8,54; DE = 1,34) en bienestar, sin diferencias por sexo (t(536) = −1,065, p = 0,288 > 0,05). En los análisis de regresión lineal, el apoyo social (β =0,463, p<0,001) y la sintomatología depresiva (β =-1,585, p<0,001) aparecen como influyentes en el bienestar de las personas mayores; y el apoyo social actúa como un factor moderador (β=0,049, p=0,007, IC =0,021; 0,077) en la relación entre sintomatología depresiva y bienestar. Conclusiones: Las personas mayores muestran elevado bienestar. Los resultados refuerzan la relevancia del apoyo social como un factor protector en las personas mayores. Ello corrobora la importancia del fomento de este aspecto en los programas promocionales y preventivos destinados al bienestar y salud mental de adultos mayores.

Background: The population over 60 years of age is increasing. Aim: This research aims to understand the relationship between well-being, social support, and depressive symptoms in older Chilean people. Method: 538 older adults were randomly selected from 15 Primary Health Centers in the province of Concepción, Chile, 341 women and 197 men. Well-being was measured with the Pemberton Happiness Index, Social Support with the Zimet Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, and Depressive Symptomatology using the Patient Health Questionnaire-9. Results: Older adults showed a high mean score (M=8.54; SD=1.34) in well-being, with no differences by sex (t(536) = −1.065, p = .288 > .05.) In linear regression analyses, social support (β =0,463, p<0,001) and depressive symptomatology (β =-1,585, p<0,001) influence the well-being of the elderly, and social support acts as a moderating factor (β=0.049, p=0.007, CI =0.021; 0.077) in the relationship between social support and well-being. Conclusions: Older people show high well-being. The results reinforce the relevance of social support as a protective factor for the positive mental health of older adults. This corroborates the importance of including this aspect in promotional and preventive mental health programs for older adults.

Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 231-243, ago. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448492


Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue observar los estilos de resiliencia entre estudiantes de pregrado y explorar la forma en la que cada uno de ellos se encontraba asociado al engagement académico y a las redes de apoyo social al inicio de los estudios universitarios. La muestra correspondió a 371 estudiantes de pregrado del Caribe Colombiano evaluados a partir de un análisis estadístico de clústeres, por el método jerárquico aglomerativo. Posteriormente se clasificaron en grupos de acuerdo con sus similitudes en las 12 dimensiones de resiliencia y finalmente se compararon en términos de engagement y redes personales. Los resultados señalaron cuatro perfiles de estudiantes: (1) sujetos con baja-resiliencia, alto engagement y fuertes vínculos relacionales; (2) resilientes-en-proceso, con niveles intermedios de resiliencia, bajo engagement y redes sociales con poca cercanía; (3) resilientes-autónomos con altos puntajes de resiliencia, niveles intermedios de engagementy redes sociales débiles; y (4) resilientes-con-redes, exhibieron altos niveles de resiliencia, con alto engagement y amplias redes de apoyo. Se concluye que la mayor porción de jóvenes que comienzan la universidad muestra perfiles de baja resiliencia; sin embargo, los altos niveles de motivación por los estudios y los recursos sociales como las redes de apoyo de los compañeros son las condiciones que más permiten afrontar los obstáculos de la vida universitaria. Es importante notar que solamente el último perfil integró los elementos de alta resiliencia, alto engagement y fuertes redes de apoyo que permiten confirmar la íntima asociación entre estos constructos. Los otros perfiles representan casos en los cuales los rasgos de resiliencia son independientes de los niveles de engagement y de la composición de las redes de apoyo personal.

Abstract Adjustment of first-year students to university environments, as well as their academic success, is not exclusively related to their academic aptitude; instead, this adjustment is associated with psychological characteristics, personal and even social resources that help students cope with stressors and new circumstances. A comprehensive assessment of the students' adjustment to university environment must transcend preoccupation on academic performance, and instead explore associations among psychological, academic, and social elements that promote adaptation during the initial years of higher education (Marenco-Escuderos et al., 2021). In this line of research, the objective of this work was to inquire how internal characteristics of students (psychological and academic) interplay with external elements in their support systems to promote adaptation in a higher education environment. Associations were explored among resilience, academic engagement, and social support as determining elements in the adjustment to the demands of the university context. The sample consisted of 371 undergraduate students (60 % female), of low socioeconomic status, enrolled in public universities in the Caribbean region of Colombia. Firstly, the resilience of university students was explored, as the ability to respond to obstacles with a positive view of the world, of others, and of one's own abilities to cope with stressors (Saavedra-Guajardo et al., 2019). Second, the level of engagement that drives young students to concentrate their energies on academic activities was reviewed; and third, the role of peers, and friends as the close-support system that facilitates the overcoming of personal and academic difficulties was investigated (Fernández-Martínez et al., 2017). Based on a statistical cluster analysis, by the agglomerative hierarchical method, individuals were classified according to their similarities in the expression of 12 dimensions of resilience (SV-RES scale), and subsequently compared in terms of engagement (UWES-S scale), and personal support networks (UNICET software). The results showed four student profiles: (1) the largest group consisting of students with low-resilience, high engagement and strong support networks; (2) a resilient group with low levels of engagement and support networks with little intimacy; (3) a resilient group with high characteristics of autonomy, intermediate levels of engagement, and support networks with weak structure; and (4) a very resilient group, high engagement, and wide and strong social support networks. The results point out the fact that the greatest proportion of students who start college show profiles of low resilience, however, high levels of motivation for studies and social resources such as peer support networks are the conditions that mostly allow for coping with adversity in the first years of college. These results could point to cultural aspects specific to the Caribbean region, where social networks are of great importance for daily functioning (Marenco-Escuderos et al., 2021). Regarding the association among the studied variables, it is important to note that only the last profile gathered all elements of high resilience, high engagement, and strong support networks that allow for confirming the association among these constructs. The other three profiles represent cases in which the resilience traits are independent of the students' levels of engagement and the composition of their personal support networks. This study is valuable as it provides a differentiating picture of the relationship of resilience with other psychological and social constructs, and in that it allows to better understand resilience in association with other elements that mediate its interpretation. Important gender differences among the profiles are additionally discussed.

Psicol. teor. prát ; 25(3): 14408, 10 jul. 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451197


Infertile couples seeking treatment experience a social stigma that can lead to the need for privacy and, in turn, compromise their access to social support. This multiple case study, that involved the collection of sociodemographic and health data and interviews with four heterosexual couples accessed by convenience, aimed to examine the perception of the couples about the social support received after the disclosure of the condition of infertility and/or of the assisted reproductive technology treatment. The cases were analysed individually and comparatively. From the couples' statements, it is highlighted that all of them revealed something about infertility and/or treatment at some point in the process, although some considered not revealing it. Both support and lack of support were perceived from the revelations. The non-disclosure was motivated by self-preservation and by avoidance of social pressure. The findings indicate the importance of psychological intervention to expand the couples' social support.

Parejas infértiles que buscan tratamiento experimentan un estigma social que puede acarrear la necesidad de privacidad y, a su vez, comprometer el acceso al apoyo social. Ese estudio de múltiples casos, que involucró la recogida de datos sociodemográficos, de salud y entrevistas con cuatro parejas heterosexuales accedidas por conveniencia, buscó examinar la percepción de las parejas sobre el apoyo social después de la revelación de la condición de infertilidad y/o del tratamiento con técnicas de reproducción asistida. Los casos fueron analizados individual y comparativamente. De las declaraciones de las parejas, se destaca que todas revelaron algo sobre la infertilidad y/o el tratamiento en algún momento del proceso, aunque algunos consideraron no revelarlo. Se percibió tanto el apoyo como la falta de apoyo a partir de las revelaciones. La no revelación fue motivada por la autopreservación y por la evitación de presión social. Los hallazgos indican la importancia de la intervención psicológica para ampliar el apoyo social de las parejas.

Casais inférteis que buscam tratamento experimentam um estigma social que pode acarretar a necessidade de privacidade e, por sua vez, comprometer o acesso ao apoio social. Este estudo de casos múltiplos, que envolveu a coleta de dados sociodemográficos, de saúde e entrevistas com quatro casais heterossexuais acessados por conveniência, objetivou examinar a sua percepção sobre o apoio social recebido após a revelação da condição de infertilidade e/ou de tratamento com técnicas de reprodução assistida. Os casos foram analisados individualmente e comparativamente. A partir das falas, destaca-se que todos revelaram algo sobre a infertilidade e/ou o tratamento em algum momento do processo, ainda que alguns tenham considerado não revelar. Percebeu-se tanto apoio como falta de apoio diante das revelações. A não revelação foi motivada pela autopreservação e pela evitação de pressão social. Os achados indicam a importância da intervenção psicológica para ampliar o apoio social dos casais.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Social Support , Reproductive Techniques, Assisted , Infertility/psychology , Family , Mental Health , Social Stigma , Sociodemographic Factors , Interview, Psychological
rev. psicogente ; 26(49)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536970


Objetivo: Analizar el rol predictivo de las estrategias de afrontamiento y el soporte social percibido, sobre los estilos de humor en padres migrantes de niños con cáncer. Método: Se empleó un diseño cuantitativo transaccional-correlacional y un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia. Participaron 62 progenitores (11 hombres y 51 mujeres) entre los 20 y 61 años, quienes respondieron la Escala del Sentido del Humor (HSQ), el Cuestionario de Estimación del Afrontamiento (COPE) y el Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey (MOS-SSS). Resultados: Se establecieron modelos de regresión para el humor afiliativo (R²=0,19, p<0,001) y agresivo (R²=0,25, p<0,001), ambos considerados estilos de humor orientados a los demás. Respecto a los estilos orientados a uno mismo, para el humor de mejoramiento personal se desarrollaron dos modelos, el primero considera el soporte social global (R²=0,25, p< 0,001) y el segundo el soporte afectivo (R²=0,27, p< 0,001); y de la misma forma para el humor de descalificación personal, un modelo incluye el soporte social global (R²=0,28, p< 0,001) y el segundo el soporte instrumental (R²=0,27, p< 0,001). Conclusión: Las estrategias de afrontamiento y el soporte social en relación con los estilos de humor en contexto de enfermedad y migración demuestra la efectividad de ciertas estrategias y estilos considerados desadaptativos ante una situación altamente estresante.

Objective: To analyze the predictive role of coping strategies and social support over humor styles in parents who migrate along with children with cancer. Method: A transactional-correlational quantitative design and non-probabilistic convenience sampling were used. It involved 62 parents (11 men and 51 women) between 20 and 61 years. They answered the Humor Styles Questionnaire (HSQ), COPE Inventory (COPE) and the Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey (MOS-SSS). Results: Regression models were developed for affiliative (R²=0,19, p<0,001) and aggressive humor (R²=0,25, p<0,001), both considered humor styles towards others. For self-oriented humor styles, two models were built to predict self-enhancing humor. The first model considers global social support (R²=0,25, p<0,001), while the second model, affective support (R²=0,27, p<0,001). Likewise, the first model explaining self-defeating humor considers global social support (R²=0,28, p<0,001) and the second, instrumental support (R²=0,27, p<0,001). Discussion: Coping strategies and social support in relation to humor styles in the context of illness and migration demonstrate the effectiveness of certain strategies and styles considered maladaptive in face of a highly stressful situation.

rev. psicogente ; 26(49)jun. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536974


Objective: To analyse the drop out intention of university students after six months of home confinement during the covid-19 pandemic using an ecological model. Method: A non-experimental cross-sectional study with an intentional sampling of 1,011 active university students during 2020. Aged between 18 and 54 years (M = 22,6; SD = 4,8; female = 438). We evaluated them with the university dropout questionnaire for students, Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale, Fear of covid-19 Scales, covid-19 Anxiety syndrome scale, and the Satisfaction with academic changes questionnaire. We performed a descriptive and multivariate analysis of the data. Results: The model explain 28 % of drop out intention among university students during confinement by covid-19 (sensitivity = 86,8 %). Dissatisfaction with academic changes is the main predictor of the model (OR = 0,960; IC 95 % [0,950, 0,959). Other significant predictors are positive and negative interactions (i.e., in family, social, and academic environments), negative emotional symptoms, anxiety about covid-19, being older, studying at a private university, and having a family member diagnosed with covid-19. Discussions: Macrosystem changes (i.e., home confinement and online classes) during the first six months of the covid-19 pandemic modified the students' interaction with their proximal systems and new predictors of the intention to drop out emerged (e.g., anxiety about covid-19 and having a family member diagnosed with covid-19), associated with the context of confinement.

Objetivo: Analizar la intención deserción de los estudiantes universitarios tras seis meses de confinamiento en casa durante la pandemia por covid-19 a partir de un modelo ecológico. Método: Estudio transversal no experimental con un muestreo intencional de 1011 estudiantes universitarios activos durante 2020. Con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y los 54 años (M = 22,6; DE = 4,8; mujeres = 438). Los estudiantes respondieron el cuestionario de abandono universitario para estudiantes, la Escala de Depresión, Ansiedad y Estrés, la Escala de Miedo de covid-19, la Escala de Síndrome de Ansiedad de covid-19 y el cuestionario de Satisfacción con los cambios académicos. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo y multivariante de los datos. Resultados: El modelo explica el 28 % de la varianza de la intención de deserción entre los estudiantes universitarios durante el confinamiento por covid-19 (sensibilidad = 86,8 %). La insatisfacción ante los cambios académicos es el principal predictor del modelo (OR = 0,960; IC 95 % [0,950, 0,959). Otros predictores significativos son las interacciones positivas y negativas (i.e., en el entorno familiar, social y académico), los síntomas emocionales negativos, la ansiedad ante la covid-19, ser mayor, estudiar en una universidad privada y tener un familiar diagnosticado con covid-19. Conclusiones: Los cambios en el macrosistema (i.e., el confinamiento en el hogar y las clases en línea) durante los primeros seis meses de la pandemia por covid-19 modificaron la interacción de los estudiantes con sus sistemas proximales y surgieron nuevos predictores de la intención de abandono (e.g., ansiedad ante la covid-19 y tener un familiar diagnosticado con covid-19), asociados al contexto de confinamiento.

Salud ment ; 46(3): 155-163, May.-Jun. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1522911


Abstract Introduction Academic stress is a common problem among medical students that has a negative physiological, social, and learning impact. Perceived academic stress indicates how stressed a student is about academic issues over a given period of time and the ability to handle that stress. Objective To determine the prevalence of PAS and evaluate possible risk factors, focusing on sex differences, burnout, emotional distress, academic-social support, and coping strategies. Method A cross-sectional, retrospective, and comparative study was conducted through an online survey with medical students (MS) willing to participate anonymously. Results All students reported PAS and the majority to a moderate-severe degree. Comparing the presence of abuse within the academic environment between men and women, we found differences in the frequency of reporting emotional abuse and sexual. Also, we found differences in perceived academic social support from teachers and family members. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed sex and current sexual abuse inside school had the strongest association with PAS in MS, followed by a family history of depression and perceived less academic social support from family. Discussion and conclusion Timely identification of individuals at-risk will be critical to establish preventive strategies to limit the impact of PAS in MS, stress management programs, training coping skills, and offer prompt therapeutic alternatives when needed.

Resumen Introducción El estrés académico es un problema común entre los estudiantes de medicina que tiene un impacto negativo a nivel fisiológico, social y de aprendizaje. El estrés académico percibido (PAS) indica lo estresado que está un estudiante por cuestiones académicas durante un periodo de tiempo determinado y la capacidad para manejar ese estrés. Objetivo Determinar la prevalencia del PAS y evaluar los posibles factores de riesgo, centrándose en las diferencias por sexo, burnout, el malestar emocional, el apoyo académico-social y las estrategias de afrontamiento. Método Se realizó un estudio transversal, retrospectivo y comparativo a través de una encuesta en línea con estudiantes de medicina dispuestos a participar de forma anónima. Resultados Todos los estudiantes reportaron PAS y la mayoría en un grado moderado-severo. Comparando la presencia de maltrato dentro del ámbito académico entre hombres y mujeres, encontramos diferencias en la frecuencia de denuncia de maltrato emocional y sexual. Asimismo, encontramos diferencias en el apoyo social académico percibido por parte de docentes y familiares. El análisis de regresión logística múltiple mostró que el sexo y el abuso sexual actual dentro de la escuela tenían la asociación más fuerte con PAS, seguidos por antecedentes familiares de depresión y menos apoyo social académico percibido por parte de la familia. Discusión y conclusión La identificación oportuna de las personas en riesgo será fundamental para establecer estrategias preventivas para limitar el impacto de PAS, programas de manejo del estrés, capacitación en habilidades de afrontamiento y ofrecer alternativas terapéuticas rápidas cuando sea necesario.

Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 43(2): 270-281, jun. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533934


Introducción. En el contexto de la pandemia por la COVID-19 es escasa la información de factores asociados al cumplimiento del tratamiento antituberculoso en las zonas de alta prevalencia de tuberculosis. Objetivo. Evaluar si existe asociación entre el apoyo social, la preocupación por el contagio de COVID-19 y el conocimiento de la tuberculosis, frente al incumplimiento del tratamiento antituberculoso. Materiales y métodos. Se trata de un estudio transversal de pacientes en tratamiento antituberculoso durante los meses de enero a marzo del 2022 en centros ubicados en áreas de alta prevalencia de tuberculosis en Lima. Se utilizó el cuestionario de Morisky Green-Levine para evaluar el cumplimiento del tratamiento como variable dependiente; las variables independientes se evaluaron usando el Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey para determinar el apoyo social percibido y la preocupación por la infección de COVID-19, y el test de Batalla para evaluar el conocimiento del paciente sobre su enfermedad. Se utilizó la regresión de Poisson con varianza robusta para determinar la asociación entre las variables. Resultados. De un total de 101 participantes (73,3 % hombres y edad media 35,1 ± 16 años), el 51,5 % no observaron el tratamiento antituberculoso. El nivel de preocupación medio o alto de contagiarse y desarrollar COVID-19 se asoció con una mayor prevalencia de incumplimiento del tratamiento (razón de prevalencia: 1,68; intervalo de confianza del 95 %: 1,09-2,57) (ajustada por las variables de confusión consideradas). Conclusiones. El incumplimiento del tratamiento antituberculoso es una condición frecuente entre los pacientes de una zona de alta prevalencia de tuberculosis en Lima especialmente entre aquellos con mayor preocupación al contagio por el virus de SARS- CoV-2, causante de la COVID-19.

Introduction. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, information on factors associated with adherence to antituberculosis treatment in areas with high prevalence of tuberculosis is scarce. Objective. To evaluate whether there is an association between social support, concern about COVID-19 infection and knowledge about tuberculosis, and non-adherence to antituberculosis treatment. Materials and methods. A cross-sectional study was carried out on patients under antituberculosis treatment, from January to March, 2022, in centers located in areas with a high prevalence of tuberculosis in Lima. We used the Morisky Green-Levine questionnaire to assess adherence to treatment as the dependent variable; the independent variables were evaluated using the Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey for perceived social support and concern about COVID-19 infection, and the Battle Test to assess patients' knowledge about their disease. We used Poisson regression with robust variance to evaluate the association between the independent variables and the dependent one. Results. Out of 101 participants (73.3% male with an average age of 35.1 ±16 years), 51.5% were non-adherent to antituberculosis treatment. Medium or high level of concern about getting COVID-19 was associated with a higher prevalence of non-adherence to treatment (odds ratio: 1.68; 95 % confidence interval: 1.09-2.57) (adjusted for considered confounding variables). Conclusions. Non-adherence is a frequent condition among patients living in an area with a high prevalence of tuberculosis in Lima, especially among those with a higher concern for COVID-19 infection.

Tuberculosis, Pulmonary , Social Support , Patient Compliance , COVID-19
Salud UNINORTE ; 39(1)abr. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536830


El apoyo social ha sido definido como "un intercambio de recursos entre al menos dos personas, percibidas por el proveedor o el receptor con el objetivo de mejorar el bienestar del receptor". Metodología: Estudio descriptivo transversal, con una muestra de 542 individuos universitarios, mayores de 18 años, seleccionados a conveniencia. Se evaluaron características sociodemográficas, y se aplicó el cuestionario Medical Outcomes Study-Social Support Survey. Para evaluar la estructura jerárquica se utilizó la técnica "análisis factorial exploratorio por medio del método de componentes principales", con rotación varimax, según el grado de correlación existente entre ellos. Por intermedio de la prueba de esfericidad de Bartlett se determinó el determinante de la matriz de correlaciones y la prueba de Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (válido con valores por encima de 0.5). Para estimar "confiabilidad" se usó el coeficiente omega, posterior a la consolidación de los factores. Resultados: Se obtuvo información de 510 individuos, de los cuales 263 fueron mujeres (51,6 %); la edad promedio fue 24,8, con una desviación estándar de 2,6. Se estimaron 3 factores para el análisis factorial exploratorio que explicaban el 63.559 % de la varianza. Las cargas factoriales de los ítems que componen el instrumento oscilaron entre 0,442 a 0,784. La consistencia interna por factor presentó puntajes de coeficiente, omega que fluctuaban entre 0,850 y 0,940 y un omega general de 0,920. Conclusión: La validez de constructo y la confiabilidad del cuestionario en estudiantes universitarios muestran valores aceptables; no obstante, esos resultados deben ser usados con cautela, pues es necesario desarrollar otros estudios que corroboren los resultados de nuestro estudio.

Social support is defined as "an exchange of resources between at least two people, from the provider's or the recipient's perspective aiming to improve the recipient's well-being condition». Methodology: It is a descriptive cross-sectional study which included 542 university students over 18 years of age, sampled at convenience; sociodemographic characteristics were evaluated, and we applied the Medical Outcomes Study-Social Support Survey questionnaire. To evaluate the hierarchical structure, the technique "exploratory factor analysis by means of the principal components method" was used, whit varimax rotation, according to the degree of correlation between them. The correlation matrix's determinant and the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test (valid with values above 0.5) were established through Bartlett's sphericity test. To estimate reliability, Omega coefficient was used after factors' consolidation. Results: Information was obtained from 510 individuals, of which 263 were female (51.6 %); the average age was 24.8 with a standard deviation of S.D 2.6. Three factors were estimated for the exploratory factor analysis, explaining 63.559 % of the variance. The internal consistency by factor presented omega coefficient values ranged from 0.850 to 0.940 and an overall general omega of 0.920. Conclusion: Construct validity and reliability of the questionnaire in university students show acceptable values; However, these results should be used with caution, as further analyses should be developed corroborate our study's results.

Interdisciplinaria ; 40(1): 209-225, abr. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430596


Resumen En tiempos recientes, la literatura en psicología sobre orientación sexual ha pasado de centrarse en aspectos negativos experimentados por personas no heterosexuales a examinar factores que potencien el bienestar de estas. Estos estudios se han enfocado mayoritariamente en lesbianas y hombres gay (orientación hacia un único género o monosexual), mientras la inclusión de otras orientaciones, como bisexual y pansexual (orientaciones hacia más de un género o plurisexual) es un interés emergente. En Latinoamérica, un tema poco explorado en este sentido es la satisfacción vital y las variables asociadas, como el apoyo social y el revelar la orientación sexual, y cómo estas pueden variar entre personas de distintas orientaciones no heterosexuales. Por ello, el objetivo general de este estudio fue comparar el grado de revelación de la orientación sexual, el apoyo social percibido, la conexión con la comunidad LGBTIQ+ (sigla que incluye a lesbianas, gay, bisexual, transgénero, transexual, travesti, intersexual y queer) y la satisfacción vital entre estudiantes universitarios lesbianas y gays (LG), y bisexuales y pansexuales (BP). La muestra fue tomada entre 82 estudiantes universitarios LGBP, quienes respondieron un cuestionario en línea que incluía datos sociodemográficos y escalas destinadas a evaluar las variables en estudio. Los resultados mostraron que estudiantes universitarios LG revelan más su orientación sexual que estudiantes BP. Igualmente, se destaca la asociación positiva entre el apoyo social percibido y satisfacción vital, y entre la conexión con la comunidad LGBTIQ+ y la revelación de la orientación sexual. Este estudio contribuye al conocimiento sobre variables asociadas a la satisfacción vital según la orientación sexual, diferenciando entre estudiantes universitarios lesbianas y gays y estudiantes bisexuales y pansexuales.

Abstract In recent years, there has been a growing shift in research on sexual orientation. This focus has moved from centering on negative experiences, related to psychopathology and stigmatization, to examining subjective well-being factors in individuals belonging to these populations. In Latin American countries such as Chile, a scarcely explored link in this regard is satisfaction with life -the cognitive component of subjective well-being- and associated variables. The minority stress model indicates that individuals who belong to minority groups are exposed to additional stressors to which the general population is not exposed. These specific stressors are related to the marginalization, prejudice and exclusion suffered by the minority group of belonging. Researchers have shown that these stressors and their consequences may result in lower life satisfaction in non-heterosexual people compared to their heterosexual peers. Furthermore, different non-heterosexual orientations face specific forms of prejudice and, therefore, could experience a different impact on their life satisfaction. In this paper, the distinction is made between individuals with a monosexual orientation (towards one gender) and those with a plurisexual orientation, (towards more than one gender or independently of gender); namely, lesbians and gay men (LG) on the one hand, and bisexuals and pansexuals (BP) on the other. Research indicates that BP people experience lower levels of well-being than LG individuals. Compared to the latter, BP individuals tend to disclose their sexual orientation to a lesser extent, perceive less social support, and experience greater exclusion from community spaces destined to the general community of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and other queer identities (LGBTIQ+). Moreover, these differences between non-heterosexual orientations in terms of life satisfaction have been little explored in Latin American university students. To fill this gap in the literature, the general objective of this study was to compare the levels of disclosure of sexual orientation, perceived social support, connectedness with the LGBTIQ+ community, and life satisfaction among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and pansexual university students. Four hypotheses were proposed that addressed the comparisons between LG and BP participants for these variables. A non-probability sample of 82 LGBP university students was recruited to answer an online questionnaire. Of the sample, 32.9 % were lesbian or gay, and 67.1 % were bisexual or pansexual. Most participants were women (67.1 %), compared to 29.3 % men and 3.7 % of another gender. The questionnaire consisted of a section of sociodemographic data, a sexual orientation disclosure scale, the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, the LGBTIQ + Community Connectedness Scale, and the Life Satisfaction Scale. Analyses included comparisons of means between groups. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted for the Connectedness Scale to test its validity. Results showed that LG and BP students reported similar levels of perceived social support, community connectedness, and life satisfaction, while LG students tended to disclose their sexual orientation to more people than BP students. A positive association was also found between perceived social support and life satisfaction, and between connectedness and disclosure of sexual orientation. The CFA showed that the Connectedness Scale is valid for its use in university samples in Chile and other Latin American populations. Limitations regarding sample size and recommendations for future research are discussed. This study contributes to the knowledge about variables associated with life satisfaction in non-heterosexual university students, highlighting the differential needs for support of those with a monosexual orientation (lesbians and gays) and those with a plurisexual orientation (bisexual and pansexual).

Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 28: 1-8, mar. 2023. tab, fig
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1437626


This study investigates the relationship between social support and moderate to vigorous physical activity, as well as the possible relationships between social support and socioeconomic status, gender and body mass index. Cross-sectional study with a non-randomized sample of 71 students (boys and girls) aged 7 to 12 and their parents or legal guardians. Social support and socioeconomic status were assessed using validated questionnaires. Height and body mass measurements were used for the body mass index equation. Moderate to vigorous physical activity was measured by accelerometers. The associations between all variables were tested by a network analysis. Moderate to vigorous physical activity is negatively correlated with socioeconomic status, body mass index and a question from the social support questionnaire: "How many times in the last week have you watched your child be physically active?". We observed a positive correlation between moderate to vigorous physical activity with gender and a question from the social support questionnaire: "How many times in the last week did you provide transport for your child's physical activity?". Thus, moderate to vigorous physical ac-tivity has a negative correlation with socioeconomic status, body mass index and the variable "parents sometimes observe their child to be physically active", and parents who provide transportation for the child to practice physical activity. In future, it is import to consider the network analysis in the intervention studies to promote adolescents' physical activity

Este estudo investiga a relação entre suporte social e atividade física moderada-vigorosa, bem como as possíveis relações entre suporte social e nível socioeconômico, gênero e índice de massa corporal. Estudo transversal com amostra não randomizada de 71 escolares (meninos e meninas) de 7 a 12 anos e seus pais ou responsáveis. Apoio social e nível socioeconômico foram avaliados por meio de questionários validados. Medidas de altura e massa corporal foram usadas para a equação do índice de massa corporal. Atividade física moderada-vigorosa foi medida por acelerômetros. As associações entre todas as variáveis foram testadas por uma análise de rede. A atividade física moderada a vigorosa está negativamente correlacionada com o nível socioeconômico, índice de massa corporal e uma questão do questionário de apoio social: "Quantas vezes na última semana você observou seu filho ser fisicamente ativo?". Observou-se correlação positiva entre atividade física moderada-vigorosa com o gênero e uma questão do questionário de apoio social: "Quantas vezes na última semana você forneceu transporte para a atividade física de seu filho?". Assim, a atividade física moderada-vigorosa tem correlação negativa com o nível socioeconômico, índice de massa corporal e a variável "os pais às vezes observam que seu filho é fisicamente ativo, e pais que fornecem transporte para a criança praticar atividade física. No futuro, é importante considerar a análise de rede nos estudos de intervenção para promover a atividade física em adolescentes

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Social Support , Students/statistics & numerical data , Exercise , Health Promotion , Socioeconomic Factors , Body Mass Index , Sex Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219110


Introduction: The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic rapidly spread across continents causing widespread mortality. Older adults, especially those with underlying diseases, are more susceptible for COVID-19 infection. Due to this concern, reverse quarantine was adopted as a protective strategy. This can lead to several psychological and physical detrimental effects. Aims: 1). To assess the mental health status (depression and anxiety) among elderly people in the community during the COVID-19 pandemic.2) To assess the impact of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions and mental health issues on quality of life. Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study among older adults (>60 yrs) residing in urban community in Central Kerala, India. Results: Of the 200 patients, more than half had moderate to high levels of anxiety and a poor social support. Depression was seen in only 1/4th of patients and that was significant in older women. Mean knowledge about COVID was below 80%. Social support was inversely associated with anxiety and depression. Anxiety and depression significantly affected QOL scores. Conclusion: This study emphasizes on the need for better mental health programmes tailored for our geriatric population. Joint multidisciplinary action plans with focus on enhancing social support can improve the quality of life of this vulnerable group